Tuesday, January 6, 2009

10,000 hours

That's the time investment of practice or training it takes to be world-class at anything, according to Malcolm Gladwell in his book Outliers. I haven't read but part of another of his books, Tipping Point, but it's a fascinating study of sociology that one of these days I'll get to finishing.

So 10,000 hours. That's 4.8 years of full-time, 40 hr/week training. If I manage to average 10 hours per week, that's only 19.2 years. I'm at least a few years into that, so by the time I'm 50, I'll be a world-class triathlete. Awesome. Even better, in just another year and a half, I'll be a world class Health Promoter.

I am finally back to training regularly after a nice long leisurely two-month break. I have not yet found my motivation; I think it drowned, along with the sun, in all the rain we've had this week. My patient little Seduza has sat in the living room, still wearing her number, having only been ridden once since November 1, and to transport me to get breakfast at that. She's not the only one sitting around. I think I've worn a soft spot in my otherwise firm couch cushion over the break as well. The extra weight might have helped. I don't really mind the weather too much, especially if it's just a fog and mist like the Minceys and I had while running on Sunday around downtown.

I'd even enjoy some snow now and then. I like the quietness and how clean the city looks with a blanket of white. Running in the snow is to peaceful, and I'd even be up for some sledding and snow-angel-making. It is also a great excuse to leave the bike at home for one more day.

It's always nice to have insta-hydration in the form of snowballs, too.

Doesn't he look like he's straight out of the Burberry catalog?


  1. You'd think I'd be a world-class chemist by now... I may have overshot and come full circle to duncedom at this point.

    I see no reason to get on a bike for the next month, unless it takes me to food.

  2. Is that Ralphie's little brother from "A Christmas Story?"

    Ittth Thhhuck! Ittth Thhhhuck! Guyyyth! Ittthhh Thhhhhuk!

  3. Well, at least you can say you've been on your bike more than I have since July...that should give you SOME comfort! ;)
