Saturday, January 5, 2013


Lucky 2013 is here! I'm not a superstitious person. It really doesn't bother me when our black cat walks directly across my path and then right under a ladder. And since H was born on the 13th, I think of the number as rather lucky. I'm certainly looking forward to this year as the year we move to Little Rock into our new house. Heck, any year I get to watch my baby grow is something to look forward to. While it is hard saying goodbye to the year he was born, and always a little sad to put away outgrown clothes, there are so many new experiences that I'm excited about.

I'm starting the new year with a little more training. About six months ago I registered for a 70.3, and I have been sitting around lazily waiting until the last minute to get in shape for it. Well the last minute is here, so I, along with all the resolutioners, have exercise goals to meet, and nemeses like bad eating habits to banish (and let me tell you how hard that is to do while H still gets 95% of his calories from me). 

23 pounds of chubby rolls

Hunter's resolutions for the new year seem to include 
~ perfecting his pterodactyl screech -- especially in public places like bookstores; 
~ collecting all the cords from every electronic device in the house; 
~ shredding every piece of paper (books, magazines, mail) into small edible pieces -- and then of course eating them; 
~ finally luring the kitties to come to him to play, or maybe just getting fast enough to catch them (the perfect pterodactyl screech is not helping); 
~ finding out the gustatory qualities of each object those little hands can get a hold of;
~ and then learning the laws of physics with those objects (as H's grandmother, Mamo, says, he does the taste test, then the toss test :)).

Cords, tape measures, whatever

In the final weeks of 2012, he, without realizing it, took his first independent steps. He's better at walking than his confidence gives him credit for, which is what my swim coach used to always tell me about my swimming. Hmmm. He forgets that he's supposed to hold on and just goes for it! We get excited and he looks at us like, what? Good lessons for him to teach me -- forget what I'm supposed to be able to do and just do it!

In attempt to learn sooner what is on his mind, we have shown H some baby signing videos, and he has picked up at least one. I'm convinced its either "eat" or "kitties," two of his favorite things. And his first word was either "kittieSSSSS," or "hi" that he combined with a wave. 

We have all been busy lately (like everyone else around the holidays). Hunter seems to have been given an endless list of tasks to complete. Sometimes when he wakes up from naps, he looks startled, like he just fell asleep on the job. It's a face of, oh crap, I just fell asleep and I have so much to do! He jumps up and starts going again. I may or may not have had this happen to me when I used to work in an office.

He's making me busier too. Besides just his endless running around and wanting to do the taste and toss tests with every new object he's discovered in the house, he is going through a bit of a clingier stage. It may be a result of all the travel and large groups of family we had around us the whole time, but lately it's all about Mommy. While flattering, it can cause everyday tasks to be a bit cumbersome. Using the bathroom with a wiggly baby on your lap gives a whole new meaning to the term "attachment parenting." It makes me feel... I don't know, neglectful?... about going out for a run or swim when he's awake and reaching for me. And it's not that Daddy isn't fun. H gets soooo excited to see hilarious Daddy. He just doesn't want me to miss out on anything.

I am well aware that my sanity requires exercise every day, and I am also aware that H will be having a blast back at home within 30 seconds of my departure, so I try to enjoy my brain being turned off for a while. I know I could find more "productive" things to be doing with my alone time, like laundry, but it that really as good for my mind? I think not. :)

Somebody is learning to assert himself, get what he wants, and tell us what that is. I died laughing when I looked back at this picture. Of course, Mommy is stubborn too, and that hat went right back on when he got otherwise distracted. 

I don't think you're understanding me here, people. I don't want to wear hats!

But I can still be distracted.

Happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. Precious. Man he is doing so much now. Growing up so fast!!!!! I can't believe steps are already here.
