Thursday, May 8, 2008


I gave Duzi a spongebath this morning. I was in road grime up to my elbows, contorting myself to get to her most protected spots, when I noticed that I was uncovering a small white sticker on her bottom bracket. Ah hah! The all-important serial number, the bike equivalent of a social security number, except without the potential for payments (ha) to be received after her retirement. It occurred to me that I didn't have a photo record of this for her, as I didn't for her two (edit: three. I lose count) older siblings who were kidnapped from me a few years ago. I almost feel like I'm posting embarrassing pictures of her nether-regions online, but she won't mind sacrificing for the safety of other bikes out there whose owners don't have a record of their existence.

So here in my photo is proof of my little Duzi and her number (ok, so it's obvious that I still have more cleaning to do...). It shall now be known across webland that she is mine.

1 comment:

  1. OOOOOOO. Good idea! Need to do this too!

    We leave in 6 hours! Fl here we come!!!!
