Monday, September 22, 2008

Is it naptime yet?

I was afflicted by one of the worst training saboteurs known to me this weekend: lack of sleep. It comes on quite suddenly; specifically in those 4 hours that you should be sleeping but aren't. You know it when it's happening, just like that time I spilled the condensation from the agar plate containing strep AND staph cultures on my pants leg. I knew I was doomed, and I just had to sit and wait around for it to come knock me out, all the while hoping for a miracle. Both the bacterial infection and the sleep deprivation started as a mild feeling of malaise. They both quickly escalated into a sore throat, stiff neck, lack of appetite... you know the feeling. All I wanted to do this morning was stay in bed. So that's what I did during the time I'd originally allotted for running. Lunch breaks can be good for something, especially when you don't need that time to actually eat. That's done every hour or so while sitting at my desk.

I think my bike ride may have suffered some from my sleep deprivation. I KNOW Nancy suffered because of it. When it started pouring on us approximately 2.5 hours into our 6 hour ride, my attitude went downhill like a trolley on greased tracks. I went from singing songs of happiness to growling angry insults at the weather in the course of about 10 minutes. Of course, as soon as the downpour stopped and the sun came out, my attitude readjusted as well. Amazing what a difference dryness can make. Another great thing about training with Nancy is that her tough times usually come at off intervals of mine. So when she just needed to get to the *%&^$! store, now, I was fine to chirp along beside her and tell her stories of my past meltdowns. I'm sure that helped her. Lots. But who doesn't get cheered up by tales of mental breakdowns in weeks leading up to Ironmans? That's what I'm here for.

Go Gary! Nancy and I cheer them on at IMFL '07. Brent and Rich were cheered for on my back. I'm looking for similar efforts for my upcoming race, guys.


  1. Great training partners compliment each other- as the two of you do. :) Great job on getting your rides in, despite the poor weather at first.

  2. Spectating an IM must be much more fun that doing it. Hope Gary returns the favor for you this year!
    The forecast looks PERFECT for the BDB century on Saturday so you probably don't have to worry about rain. Just think yummy cookies!

  3. I'm there! I'll be body panting myself with "Joy!" "Nancy!" "Damie!" "Deb!" "Gary!" and "Suzy!". Dang, I may run out of body...

  4. Laura just means you have to have more skin showing to write all the extra names or you gotta write smaller.

  5. This sounds exactly like my day today. I felt like a zombie and my swim suffered from it...needless to say I didn't make it very far and opted for going home and resting instead. I may have to consider heading down to cheer for all of you guys as well!
