Monday, October 6, 2008


I've been really healthy the last few months, getting lots of sleep, eating my veggies, limiting alcohol, exercising. These things make you feel really good. You may actually forget what you feel like when you don't do these things, as I learned this past weekend. Debauchery, defined as "excessive indulgence of the appetites," is almost the term I'm looking for, but the conotation is not quite right. I indulged in lots of fried food..


...artificial sweeteners...
...a little beer...

.. and very little exercise.

I woke up Sunday with ringing ears, a pounding head, and a general full-body ache. How do people get used to this? And have I undone everything good that I've worked so hard for the past few months? I know it takes around 7 days without exercise to feel the effects of detraining, but I wonder how many deep-fried onions, breaths of unfiltered cigarette smoke, and hours of missed sleep it takes to oxidize every molecule in my entire body? How many vitamins do I need to anti-oxidize (reduce?) those molecules? I'm actually already feeling completely different after a couple of good nights of sleep and a few berry smoothies.

There ended up being no Chunder Mile rematch, as there was just not enough time between a rehearsal dinner in Bourbon, MS...

... a wedding in Greenville... (here is the pathetic showing of single girls "trying" to catch the bouquet) .. and the walk through memory lane at Rhodes Homecoming. We drank beer in the "bar" on campus (THAT was not there when I attended), toured the new library, watched some football (or wait, maybe we didn't), and walked through the place where we spent most of our time: the gym. They've kept the life-sized picture of the girls' cross country team from my freshman year. I'm the one in the middle who looks exactly like me minus a few hundred freckles and dozens of wrinkles. Amazing the changes that take place in 13 years!


  1. I love that Rhodes picture of you!!!

  2. I second Damie's comment!

    And I can't believe you went to Raifords without me! Oh, wait, that's right, you invited me but I was asleep.... (and I'm NOT training for an IM...)

  3. In Joy's defense, she did not eat the pictured Redneck Breakfast. She had oatmeal. RJ, the chunder winner wolfed it down.

  4. I can tell you from experience 1 weekend of drinking and eating crap won't screw up yoiur I'm training. It takes at least a whole week of post-board exam bad nutrition to really do it!

    Did you catch the bouquet? You didn't let those other girls beat you?
