Tuesday, May 26, 2009


What are true necessities in triathlon? We get so caught up in all the new-fangled gear that sometimes I think we get confused about what we really NEED (if we really "need" any of this..). Think about running shoes for a minute. Only in the last 30-40 years have we even had such things. There are arguments for and against their necessity, and I have to say that the ones against all the shoe technology are quite convincing. I seemed to decrease my pronating tendencies and need for support when I stopped getting those motion control Beasts several years ago. But decide for yourself. Read here.

Apparently the requirement for a complete Memphis in May triathlon weekend are the standard photo poses. Aren't there always similar ones at your hometown race when you have multiple cameras pointed your way?

Wetsuit + swim cap head (thanks Charlie for sharing this with me):
Bent over in transition:

Applying bodyglide, mushy stomach included (thankfully the bent over in transition and bodyglide application were NOT captured simultaneously and from behind like last year):

Actually running, and uphill even (albeit SLOWLY-- and yeah, this was the first 100 yards of the run):

Post race pictures with Laura in our matching jackets (when is the last time it wasn't 90F at MIM??):

Ridiculous post race beer consumption pose (with a Terrapin brand beer.. ahem, team):
And that completed my weekend of races. That and the Amateur Challenge check I got for 3rd place. That 34 seconds by which Susan beat me cost me $75! That's like a race entry fee, as long as you sign up 5 months in advance and already have your USAT insurance and bribe the race directors... or one-seventh of the IMLouisville entry fee that I'm not getting back... or the cost of the numerous bottles of cough syrup and meds I took over the weekend... But really, who's counting? A check's a check and I'm heading to cash it.


  1. The last paragraph is so...JOY! I love it. Hope you are feeling better now :)

  2. Or a few rounds of Stone at Boscos for everyone.... Next week, for sure! ;)

    Where has Garyironmanholmes been? We need his input on these MIM historic questions.

  3. Pre-race wetsuit photos are all about looking cool. I've been asked to attend parties in my rubber suit-o-suave.

  4. Love the pic's, you all look so cool, so fast, definitely wieners! :)

  5. Umm.. if that is a mushy stomach, I am OBESE! :) Way to go! I have a speaking opportunity for you, if you are interested...

  6. Keep it up Ms. Joy........Nyquil and exercise ......that's the ticket!
