Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Weekend Report

I'm so slow at getting race reports together! I'll say that I was pondering the whole experience (when really I was just ignoring the blog). 

But I'll start with the beginning of the weekend. Both sisters came in town with their families, and from the moment I arrived until we went to sleep Friday night, Jackson didn't stop talking long enough to take a breath. This is good for his endurance training. And mine! I realized that I spend lots of days before races playing freeze tag (see LR Half RR) and various other games (which include riding a tricycle scooter-like off-road in the nearby park) with him and Emily. We do have a good time.

Saturday was hair cut and shower day, where I got loads of kitchen and bath goods. Damie has a good report of those activities, along with a picture of my Peeps. I mean my peeps. The day went by entirely too fast, and next thing I knew it was race day and we were in Oxford for the Rebel Man Sprint Tri.

I did this race 3 years ago, and probably haven't done anything even close to this short since then. Matt Fitzgerald has warned me about becoming a One Speed Triathlete, so I'm determined to avoid this fate. It's time for short stuff again.

Los Locos had an awesome showing (we all got hardware, the women swept the top 4 spots, men plus Maggi got 4 of the top 5, and it was fun to see everyone out there). 

So here's the rundown. 

I forgot how violent swims, even in a pool, can be. I'm not all that into swimming right now, due to the move, new pool, no master's (at a reasonable hour, at least), etc. But when i start back, it's going to involve this type of training:

Um, please note that my 2:57 time for T1 includes not only the putting on of socks, too-tight arm warmers, and a tri top, as well as the usual shoes, glasses, helmet, but ALSO the "run" to the transition area. Inside the pool building we were reminded several times to walk! instead of run. It's a race people!! So I did my best speed walk. 

I was totally happy with my bike time. I've ridden the tri bike about 3 times since October, so I have no issues there. I think Kona did something good for me too: I didn't notice the crosswinds that Damie and Laura talked about during the bike. It's either by comparison to the winds on the Queen K, or it's the extra weight I've put on since then keeping me from blowing around. :)

T2: SO MUCH EASIER! It's still hard to do anything with urgency when you're used to doing a full change of clothes and sitting down for a drink and an iced towel around your neck in a shaded tent...

Run: I was surprised to find my average pace was slightly below 7:00/mile. If I'd guessed what I was doing out there, I would've thought 8:56 was much closer to my pace than 6:56. Honestly! So the new movement is toward a faster cadence on the run, right? I kept reminding myself to increase stride length and slow down the cadence of my frozen legs. I think it actually helped. That or the downhills. 

-I need to remember to do things like start my watch when the race starts. I did that after the swim, but never looked at it again. It was under the tight arm warmer. 
-I'm looking forward to the speedsuits we're getting for this season. I decided I need to cover my thighs. If not for warmth, to keep the glare out of others' eyes. 
-Must find the profile bottle attachment so that I actually drink on the bike. 
-Next race I'm not going to drink a liter of orange Gatorade 5 mins before the start. Blech.
-Jeremy and I both got debilitating side stitches during the run. I blame our "coach." (me) 
-And most importantly, Jeremy BEAT ME IN THE SWIM! I knew it would happen soon, just didn't know it would be this soon. :)

Next up is a beach trip TOMORROW!! which will be a good course review for Gulf Coast in May. Not that I haven't done that race eight times, and IMFL another 5... I'm pretty familiar with the run loop. I'll take whatever excuse I can to go to PCB for a long training weekend!

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