Thursday, February 2, 2012

Chugging Along

My running suddenly turn a turn for the worse last week. Believe me, I was not taking for granted my ability or motivation to keep up the mileage, but it turned and bit me anyway. After 4 consecutive days of running, not even extraordinary mileage (I think about 22 combined), my Achilles heel started acting up. Literally, my right Achilles and soleus suddenly brought me to limping. 

I can blame extra weight, or new running shoes (same old model though), or just running too many days in a row (for this low mileage runner). How and why it happened doesn't matter if I can't run anymore. But I'm staying optimistic, and treating it with rolling, husband massages, and taping during exercise. I ran 4 miles yesterday with no pain, and only a little stiffness afterward. 

This is especially sad to me because running the only exercise I can do outside in the beautiful sunny winter weather we are having (walking is of course out of the question with Achilles problems as well). Otherwise there is only indoor cycling and indoor swimming, which I will keep up, but always while looking out the window and wishing to be out on my same ole route on foot. 

Luckily I didn't grieve too much last week, since my parents were here keeping me busy with hiking, skiing (or for me, driving the mountains), and baby laundry (if I can't keep up with my own socks, how will I keep up with very tiny little socks all the time?).

The camera has been along for most expeditions. 

The snow clouds were coming just in time.


Fresh 4" on the slopes

Always water streaming from Bridal Veil Falls. And always crooked photos from me.

My birthday night up on the mountain.

Yes, I am in a brand new age group this year! Of course, I'm with the same people who keep aging up with me :) Ready for the 35-39.

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