Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Acclimation. Or not.

One of us is apparently a natural desert dweller. The other just needs to get used to the strange skin moisture that accumulates after a few minutes of running. The desert lover started complaining less than 2 miles into the run this morning and didn't stop until well after I'd already showered. The other day that same humidity-loather completely refused to acknowledge me until we had stopped in our driveway. I keep warning my garmin that I'll replace him if he keeps up this constant whining-beeping-shutting down routine, but he just shuts his battery off and pretends not to hear. I had forgotten his finicky nature while living in the desert, where sweat appears as an instant salt encrustment, and it never looks as if you've been doused by a hose.

I'm relearning aspects of the southeast, like what clouds do, what mud is, how people talk, and that trees are there to bring shade. Love running under them! I'm wishing I still had some extra hemoglobin from those years of altitude training, but I'm afraid the 6 days completely off from exercise let me detrain enough for it not to be noticeable. After that sabbatical, I ran an 8 mile loop with steep but short hills. My poor legs thought they had retired from running, and complained mightily the next day when they were asked to ride a bike.

It's fun to explore a new place on foot or two wheels, and even after living within view of the Mississippi for many years, I get excited seeing the river here. There's so much water!

Hunter has done really well with all the changes. It was hard having that extra 26lbs velcroed to me for the 6 days that we went without Jeremy, and Hunter seemed just as relieved to see his daddy as I was. He loves his new house, as do his parents; he took off the first night into our bedroom and we found him lying on the floor with his feet up in the air just giggling.

So it's back to unpacking for now; I'm thankful we didn't have to pack any of it ourselves. The next few weeks will probably consist of unpacking, organizing, and getting a little training in for that triathlon Jeremy signed me up for.

Furniture shopping. Hunter gets comfortable.

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