Tuesday, February 17, 2009

THAT side

My alarm clock is on the right of my bed. But apparently that's the wrong side of the bed when I wake up to it, especially before 5:30 a.m. I hit snooze an extra time this morning and didn't get out of the house until 5:31. Swim starts at 5:30. I grumbled most of the way to the pool, being annoyed with traffic and people driving crazy and stoplights. I got there just as they were starting on the main set, but that's not unusual for me. I figured people who saw me get in late just thought, there she is again, late as usual. But really, I decided as I swam, they should all be impressed. Who else in there got up exactly 18 minutes before they hit the water? I think that's why I'm good at transitions. Too bad there's not a transition from bed to water at the start of the race.

I credit my dad for helping me learn how to do this. In high school, he'd wake me up in the morning (after I'd managed to turn my alarm completely off while still unconscious -- I swear I set it every night Dad!). He would even fix my breakfast in the time it took me to get out of bed and get downstairs. Sometimes, on those extra sleepy mornings, I'd fall back asleep after he left. If he made it all the way back upstairs and I was still under the covers, I'd be in big trouble. I fine tuned my subconscious hearing enough that all it took was one of his footsteps on the stairs. In one motion, I'd go from lying there asleep to flying across the room to the safety of the bathroom. Of course I'm up, Dad! Enough adrenaline was rushing through me that I'd be wide awake by the time he got there. If it hadn't been for those years of practice, at 5:30 a.m. no less, no telling where I'd be today. Not at master's swim, that's for sure. Thanks Dad!


  1. Oh...that brings back memories!! Our alarm clocks in high school were useless--all we really needed was the sound of Dad's footsteps coming up the stairs...I think a few times I actually woke up standing there in the hall...

  2. Hey Joy...haven't stopped by in too long, wanted to say hi...and Of course, gotta love that story about your dad....I had the same problem in HS as the alarm went off to go swimming and I turned it off too! eeks!!! :) Hope you are good!

  3. Dad must have a very intimidating footstep -- okay, I know he does. I make 3 out of 3 sisters who could execute a perfect flying leap at the mere sound of a stair creaking. I can still remember the feeling of a sudden adrenaline rush in the wee hours of the morning. And why did our high schools start at 7:15? My students complain about being here at 7:50!
