Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The recovery phase

Just like in any training plan, after the big event, you've gotta have some down time. Now that Hunter's due date is past, I feel like I'm right on my plan. Before March 23 (how many times during the last 9 months have I said that date?) I'd felt like a few more days of training had been needed before the hopefully short recovery.

In my first Ironman, I managed to develop a little tendinitis in my Achilles. Normal Ironman recovery might have been a little shorter, and I'd have been back running sooner if I hadn't had a growing knot of tendon damage to deal with. My baby's birth had after-effects that I hadn't planned for as well. I must've been in denial that a c-section was actually a real possibility, because I skipped all sections on it in my pregnancy/birth books. Actually, most of the books I read were written by Ina May Gaskin, the famous midwife, or about the Bradley method of natural drug-free birth. I really concentrated on these since I believed the hardest part of birth would be intense labor.

I have to start thinking of these weeks as post-season recovery. It's hard not to think of the detraining effect that taking off so many weeks can cause (and just how hard will it be to run again when my body is ready? I've never taken off more than a few weeks at a time). I'm not worried about weight loss. I'm down about 12 pounds and so only have 6 or 7 to go to get back to a normal weight. Actually I could live with this weight; it's pretty close to my past winter weigh-ins. I'm not worried about the pooch of numb, swollen skin around my incision. Well ok, maybe a little, since that could look pretty weird in a swimsuit. It's still early, and I know these things take time to heal. I learned that my doctor did what most don't: gave me real stitches as opposed to big metal staples. She'll be getting a huge thank you at my follow-up appointment.

Just like in the weeks after an Ironman, I've been surprised at how sore some parts of my body are. I've felt a little sentimental about the "training" that's now gone; I enjoyed being pregnant and am so thankful it was easy and fun. "Race" day was so exciting that I would relive it anytime (with extra morphine please?). But this time I have a much better prize -- better than an age group award, being recognized on stage, or getting a Kona slot.

He's already learning to talk with his hands, just like his mommy.
If I can brag a minute: at his 2 week weigh-in yesterday, he'd gained a POUND over his birth weight, which is a pound more than his daddy expects out of 2-week-olds. Should I start selling this rich breast milk?


  1. That is the most precious picture I think I have ever seen in my life. You two are going to be the most amazing parents. Love ya!

  2. that is the best picture, ever. Precious!
    And, it all comes back...and more. I barely did anything during my entire pregnancy (bedrest) and I was OK! :) YOU will be too +++ !!

  3. LOL! talking with his hands...that is sooo funny!!! :))))) xoxo great pic!

  4. Sounds like you are both doing great. You will be amazed at how quickly it all comes back. I took the full 6 weeks off after my first c-section and was setting PRs at all distances 6 months later. I have to keep reminding myself of this as well right now!

  5. I love this picture. So sweet. And you look like some of the pictures of you as a little Joy here!
