Friday, April 6, 2012


For the first time in six months, I rode my bike outside. Twice! Given the opportunity to take an hour to do something with Jeremy, I chose a bike ride date. Now I know that those computrainer numbers weren't a lie. I'm very slow. I do realize that one benefit of a c-section is that riding a bike 3 weeks after birth wasn't painful to anything but those atrophied leg muscles.

Finally to the point of feeling that running will again happen one day, I'm optimistic about starting back as soon as I get a few new sports bras. Wow, I underestimated the importance of that equipment until I took 3 jogging steps on one of my walks. Walking has been great. The baby likes to sleep as soon as we bump out the front door threshold, and he has (knock on wood) rarely wakened before we come to a stop inside again. I'm slowly increasing my mileage just as I would do on any good training plan, but have only gotten up to about 3.5 miles total on any one day. And I often do two-a-days.

Bike rides plus sleeping baby walks! What success. Things seem to be evening out. After the delivery that I had hoped to avoid, I've found success in the small things, and one large thing: breastfeeding. Hunter knew exactly what to do right from the start, and has been a great eater so far. He looks different every day. Wrinkles are filling out (wish mine would), legs and cheeks are getting pudgy, and he's getting heavy! Fortunately I've gone a bit in the opposite direction, but I still have about 4 pounds over pre-pregnancy weight to go. I think it's all in the sports bra area though.

The hardest thing for me has been the sleep cycle that Hunter and I can't quite coordinate. I'm the person who can easily sleep 12 hours a night while training hard, and I even got 9-10 through pregnancy when I let myself wake up without an alarm. Now 2 hours at a time is a luxury. Jeremy has been really sweet to hold the baby a lot at night between feedings, since he sleeps so much better being held. I certainly can't sleep soundly when he makes his little noises and moves around. Since he's in the co-sleeper next to my bed, I hear every sigh. We have found the couch to be a nice spot to sleep, since I feel ok about letting him snuggle up right next to me there. 

We've had company the last 2+ weeks, with Jeremy's mom here first, and my mom until tomorrow. I thought up all my favorite meals for Mom to cook for us, but now I'm afraid Jeremy will have a taste for all this delicious food that I won't cook quite as well! We've also been out of the house a few times, with a trip to Lowe's to get good dirt (that we are lacking here in the desert) so Mom could plant the onions in the garden that I'd been planning on doing before the baby was born. Jeremy and Hunter and I also went to a dinner party last weekend where I had my first glass of wine! Hunter slept the whole time, right up until time to leave, when he wet himself and me. I need to start bringing lots of extra clothes wherever I go in case of wet, poop, or like yesterday as I was coming home from the hair salon, sudden milk leakage. I should be used to this; in the past I've been prepared for a spontaneous workout, having shoes, swimsuits, towels, etc. in the car always.

April is our second anniversary already! I've got a plan to go to brunch that weekend, all 3 of us, since I'm getting more antsy to get out of the house. Then I have a doctor's appointment in a couple weeks, and I'm planning on being cleared to run. :) Next on the agenda is a visit from my sisters and their little ones while Jeremy heads to New Orleans for a half Ironman. I'm really excited to see how he can do, since he just gets faster and faster all the time. Of course I'm a little nervous for him too, since I did NOLA 70.3 three years ago and had a disastrous race, but don't tell him that. :)

I'm so thankful to moms who have told me how much faster they were after having babies (even after c-sections, and even after months of bedrest!). I'm hoping my next blog is reporting how well my running is going!

This is obviously in the daytime. He's sleeping soundly.


  1. Sounds like you are doing great. I wish I had advice on the sleep front but Zach was terrible and Landon isn't great. Landon is totally the "second child" because after 2 nights we gave up on co-sleeping and put her in her room because she just makes too much noise while sleeping. But in a few months it will all be better -especially if he continues to gain weight like such a champ! That first night when he sleeps for a big chunk of time will feel AMAZING.

  2. He just gets cuter in every picture. Can't wait to hold him!
