Monday, April 13, 2015

Third Trimester: Running, Cycling, and Waddling

I am now a waddler. It is not because I am just so largely pregnant, and it is only part time. The possibility of sympathy from strangers because of my "condition" has occurred to me, and then I just hope they'll give up their parking spaces so I can carry my giant three year old in the grocery store more easily. But by then it's too late of course. Maybe let me through the check out line ahead of you?

The cause of this waddle is actually running, so I feel almost like an imposter when it happens. Post run, for most of the rest of the day, depending on when I got it done, my pelvis is sore and painful, especially after sitting, like in a car. So into stores I waddle. 

The good news is that the pain is not compounding, so if I give it a day's rest-- no running consecutive days-- I'm good. And distance makes only a very small difference, so 6 miles 3 times a week works just perfectly for me. 

When "researching" helpful exercises and stretches for symphysis pubis dysfunction, I came upon a lot of advice. Most told me to rest as much as possible, use crutches, don't do housework, and keep my knees together at all cost. OH right! But I needed help with the RUNNING part of it. It occurred to me that my problem most likely isn't as severe as most. It seems very few people have lasting pain after delivery, so I am relatively confident I'm not doing permanent damage. Of course there is a small worry in the back of my mind that the right side, the one with hip dysplasia, does hurt a little more than the left. 

The first mile running is always the hardest. Maybe it is the momentum needed to get this body with its extra 10 pounds going. Or it could be the way the baby has to settle down low to enjoy the run. In my out and back 6 miler Saturday I ended with a mile on the same stretch of flat road that was 90 seconds faster than the first one. And it felt much easier. 

Sunday I took the road bike out to the park and river trail path again. While the handlebars seem to get lower and lower, I can still reach the brakes and I still fit into my shorts and a very few jerseys. It might be time to borrow some from the husband. Especially the Ironman ones for irony when those guys in baggy shorts and tennis shoes blow by me. 

I have been more consistent than ever these last several weeks in using the TRX. I needed some upper body muscle and strength. Then I acquired a shoulder injury from the placement of my Tdap vaccine at the doctor last week. This is the second time I've had it go right through my deltoid into my joint. So much for increased muscle mass! It feels really awesome, but at least gives me an excuse to not swim for a while.  

I haven't heard back from the office so I'm assuming all was good with my glucose test. I never would worry about these things if it weren't for reading forum or Facebook group posts (I had to stop following one I was added to) where so many women get diagnosed with gestational diabetes. On the flip side is the forum that praises women who barely show a bump at 35 weeks or have only gained 4 pounds by the end. Eek. I'm really thankful I've never worried too much about weight or body image. 

I just continue to do what I can and what makes me feel healthy. Last pregnancy I saw a post by pro triathlete about having "no zeros" in her training log during pregnancy. I strongly dislike that mentality and never force myself to exercise just to put something in a log, when I really need to rest. Pregnancy is so funny about how inconsistent it makes you feel, with one day being spectacular and the next full of fatigue. I have no goals or standards for my performance now or right after this baby is born, since strava is yet to create a Pregnant- or Postpartum-Queen of the Mountain. 

My new heavy duty running belt has been put away in favor of my older lighter one, since it's getting rather warm to have my whole torso covered in thick elastic. But I'm loving the spring weather and all the flowers, greenery, yard construction work, digging, planting, and rolling in the grass that comes with it. 

Easter egg hunt at Nana and Granddaddy's, with your traditional truck for holding eggs

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